Dr. Virginia Thomas
Psychologist. Author. Teacher.
Humans are complex, and we live in an increasingly complex world.
How do we make meaning out of our experiences, and how do those personal stories shape our identities? Is it possible to nurture our interior lives while navigating a social media saturated culture? What helps us increase connection with ourselves and develop authentic connections with others?
Trained in developmental, personality, and depth psychology, my research focuses on identity and well-being throughout the many stages of adulthood. I am particularly interested in how our emotional health is shaped by a balance of social relationships and time in solitude.
My research findings have led to the creation of Embracing Solitude, an 8-week solitude skills program that supports people in strengthening their capacity to be alone and enjoy the benefits of solitude.
As a psychology professor at Middlebury College, I teach classes and run an active research lab with undergraduates where we explore questions of identity, relationships, and the inner life.
Explore how to be alone with this 8-week program of self-care and self-discovery.
Read more about my work in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Psychology Today, The Irish Independent, The Daily Om, Vice, & NYT Well Newsletter.